
"We Make a Living by What We Get...
...We Make a Life by What We Give."
-Sir Winston Churchill 

so i went to work today.
but i wasn't scheduled to work -__-
a bit annoyed..
lifted my day by finally getting my gold iphone 5s though.

when i realized i had the whole day free, 
first thing that came to mind was to shoot my outfit.
took me about 3 hours to find someone.fuckers.

and on. the outfit itself.
was sort of inspired by my father.
if you follow my instagram, you'll know my dad is where it all started for me.
growing up, this guy was sharp. politician sharp.
now i have to scavenge for a quality photo of him.

the outfit:
hm button up
gap sweater
ae slim chinos
bass loafers
raymond weil octagon watch 
bracelets - uganda fair trade jewelry

p.s. - if interested in purchasing some uganda fair trade jewelry (bracelets & necklaces) 
please email me: pjoson@gmail.com


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